Pillars for effective cross-linguistic communication

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Lifelong learning for medical interpreters, educational interpreters, social service interpreters, court interpreters... and other community interpreters! *Pre-approved CE Credits*

Medical Terminology for Interpreters (Summer 2022)

Medical Terminology for Interpreters (Summer 2022)


This healthcare interpreting class helps professionals overcome challenges in the use of medical terminology [8 regular DSHS, CCHI, IMIA and AOC CE credits]

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A knowledge of specialized vocabulary is critical to interpreters in any venue, and few venues have more specialized vocabulary than health care. Whether you are a novice interpreter just starting out or an experienced interpreter shifting to work in the healthcare field, this class will help you feel more at home in healthcare settings, be more accurate in your interpreting, and have a strategy for dealing with terminology that you don’t know.

This 8-hour class will cover the following:

  • The Latin and Greek basis of medical terminology

  • Critical English vocabulary of: the circulatory system - the digestive system - the respiratory system - the male and female reproductive systems - the endocrine system - the musculoskeletal system

  • Terminology related to tests, procedures and symptoms

  • Common acronyms in health care

  • A personal system to expand your bilingual medical vocabulary over time

This workshop will be conducted in English, with opportunities and resources available to build equivalent vocabulary in a non-English target language.

With this training you get Medical Terminology for Interpreters, 4th edition. This Cross Cultural Communications resource and workbook that will be used both in this class and in the Advanced Medical Terminology class.

*Please note that we are now sold out of hard copies for this book. Participants who sign up after July 6th will receive an electronic version of the book.


Team sign-up. Find 2 other interpreters to sign up with you and receive a 10% discount. Then let us know via email at contact@arcos.institute.

Any Class Bundle. You get an 8% discount if you sign up at once for any two classes we offer within the year.

Early bird registration. Use the following discount code when registering before June 23rd for a 5% discount: EBMTSM22

Discount codes cannot be combined.

Employer registration. If you would like your employer to pay for your professional development, please have them fill out and submit this form.

To register, please click on the purchase button above. 


WA DSHS: 8 regular continuing education credits (approval No. 660).

CCHI: 8 regular continuing education credits (ID 09067).

IMIA (for NBCMI): 8 regular continuing education credits (ID 22-1146).

AOC: 8 regular continuing education credits.

Do you need credits for another organization? Please fill out this form.


Please read carefully the following requirements for completion:

To receive a Certificate of Successful Completion, participants have to attend 100% of the course. Participants are required to be on time for every class and to not leave before the end of the class. 

Arcos Institute will issue the Certificate of Completion within 1 week from the last day of training.

Obtaining CE Credits with DSHS: Please read paragraph 4.7.4 CE activities on page 46 of the LTC Gateway User Manual. We cannot guarantee that this resource is always up to date. For more accurate information, please contact the organization at dshsct@dshs.wa.gov or visit the website.

Obtaining CE Credits with CCHI: Please read page 20 of the CCHI_Renewal_Handbook. We cannot guarantee that this resource is always up to date. For more accurate information, please contact the organization at renewal@cchicertification.org please or visit the website.

Obtaining CE Credits with IMIA (for NBCMI): For more information please contact the organization at staff@certifiedmedicalinterpreters.org please or visit the website.

If you have any questions, please reach out to the organization as we cannot answer specific questions regarding your status or any other query.


This class will be offered online. About a week before the first day of class, you will receive information on the simple steps you will take to be ready to join the class from your device. We ask that you connect from a device with a big enough screen: please use a computer with a webcam or a laptop (no phone or Ipad/tablet).


Day 1/2 - Saturday, July 23rd, 10 am to 12 pm [30-min break] and 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm Pacific Time (-8 GMT).


Day 2/2 - Saturday, July 30th, 10 am to 12 pm [30-min break] and 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm Pacific Time (-8 GMT).

This is an 8-hour training that spans over two consecutive Saturdays (half a session in the morning and half a session in the afternoon). Participants who complete the training attend both Saturdays and all sessions.


Cindy Roat, MPH, is a trainer of interpreters, educators and healthcare providers, and a consultant to healthcare facilities, helping them improve their language access services. An internationally renowned trailblazer in the healthcare interpreting field, Cindy is a founding member and past Co-chair of the National Council on Interpreting in Health Care, a founding member of the Washington State Coalition on Language Access (WASCLA), and a former board member of the Northwest Translators and Interpreters Society (NOTIS), where she organizes and teaches workshops for healthcare interpreters. Cindy is widely recognized as an engaging public speaker and assiduous advocate for limited-English-proficient populations.


We also offer private coaching on demand: Private lessons

If you want to know more, do not hesitate to fill out the form below.

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